Wednesday, April 18, 2007

A Somewhat Ordinary Day *OLD*

Hello again you avid readers. I can honestly say I had a rather normal day. Truthfully, every table I had was so nice. So nice I even told a table of three about my web site. Bad of me I am sure. But it is nice to have tables you can talk to and that doesn't act like you are stupid. I have to give props to this particular table though. They did my favorite thing that a guest can do. They left me a note saying Excellent Service. I absolutely love when someone does that. It makes me smile. I truthfully think that is the politest thing a guest can do. It makes me think of the old days when people actually wrote thank you cards. So to today's featured Table.. out goes a HUGE Thank You for being kind, funny, and thoughtful.. Rene gives you big Kudos. They know what the Rene means, just to let the others reading that it is an inside joke. My way of letting them know for sure I am talking about them.

So today's Adventure, was really a mild one. And I am grateful, because my new car broke down for the third time and I am about to run over the man that sold it to my dad. LOL.. not really but thinking about it makes me feel better.

Rounding up.. here is today's positive reinforcement.
"Kindness... more then words, you need to give it to get it, live it to love it and show it to grow it."


Vixen said...

Hey lady...still playing around with ur fonts i see...

Did you know that when posting, you can backdate the posts so that you don't have to write Old posts on all of them, and just use the date they were originally posted on your myspace? In the Post part, look for the Post Options underscore. Click that and it opens up the date menu where you can change the dates. If you need more help, IM me.

You've been tagged by the way. See Mysterious Meander for details.

Adventures In Waitressing said...

Thanks for the tip.. off to see what being tagged means.. boy you can tell I am a newbie at this lol